The Hampden Model H-MCCT-1 Motor Control Circuits Trainer provides a practical means of learning how to design, wire, check-out, and troubleshoot motor control circuits. The student is introduced to the elements of motor control circuitry through the texts and manuals provided. They are then given problems in circuit design, which they can solve on the Motor Control Circuits Trainer using standard commercial control components.
H-MCCT-FT Motor Control Circuits Trainer with Faults
P.O. Box 563
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
(Toll Free) 800-253-2133 or 888-HEC-CORP
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Fax: 413-525-4741
The Hampden Model H-IEC-B3 Power Factor Controller helps students learn the principle of the controller that improves the power factor of lightly loaded three-phase induction motors and the techniques for decelerating AC motors by dynamic and plug braking.
The Hampden Model H-VFD-100C Fractional Horsepower, 3 phase, Variable Frequency Drive controls the speed of induction or synchronous motors rated to 1/3 horsepower. The unit consists of a fully operational VFD and all the push buttons and switches that will allow the user to program and run the VFD. The VFD is protected by a Main AC circuit breaker. The output is 0-230 V, 3-phase, 0-500 hz. The unit can be programed and reprogramed to teach students how a VFD works and what kind of parameters to set for various motor applications.
The Hampden Model H-SCR-304 Four Quadrant DC Speed Controller is a full-wave regenerative drive capable of operating DC, PM or Shunt motors (such as Hampden Three Horsepower motors) in a bidirectional mode. Its 4-quadrant operation provides forward and reverse torque in both speed directions. This allows the control to maintain constant speed with overhauling loads and provide rapid instant reversing and controlled braking. (shown is the H-SCR-104)
The Hampden Model H-MCWT-1 Motor Control Wiring Trainer consists of low voltage electrical components for demonstration and practical exercises in motor starting and control. The unit is constructed of a steel frame finished in instrument tan texture and gloss white enamel finished front panel. The front panel is silk-screened with black KEM enamel for easy identification of components.
The Hampden Model H-R-SCR-3 Power Electronics System has been designed to be used together with the H-R-SCR-2 Power Electronics System, acquiring the AC power and processed DC voltages needed for the experiments from the Trivoltage Power Supply Module H-R-SCR-2D, as well as expanding the capabilities of the H-R-SCR-2. The H-R-SCR-3 is designed to demonstrate the following: Smoothing Inductors, High-Speed Switching Devices, Signal Converter, P.I.D. Control Panel, IGBT and MOSFET Drivers.
The Hampden Model ACC-100 AC Motor Controller gives students the opportunity to investigate various methods of control of AC motors. Used in conjunction with Hampden Series 100 Fractional-HP motors, these controllers provide practical experience from simple across-the-line starting through more complex forms of multi-purpose motor control. Symbols and legends on controller face simplify both wiring and instructor surveillance. This unit is a fractional-horsepower AC Controller that includes control buttons, forward-reverse contactor, variable resistors, wound rotor control, DC field contactor, overload relay, rectifier, autotransformer, time delay relays, and 3-pole isolated circuit breaker.
Hampden Dissectible Motors, Series HDI-100, are a versatile aid in teaching the construction, principle of operation, and operating characteristics of fractional horsepower motors. As such they complement and extend the Hampden Series 100 Rotating Electrical Machines Program.
The Hampden Model H-IEC-DC2 SCR Control helps students learn the principle of silicon-controlled rectifiers and their application to controlling the speed of DC and universal motors, below base speed, by varying the average voltage applied to the armature.
The Hampden Model H-MCTT Motor Control Troubleshooting Trainer provides the necessary control components for a thorough study of the characteristics, wiring, operation and troubleshooting of motor control circuits. These components are, for the most part, identical to those found in industry. The single exception is that they operate on 24 volts, virtually eliminating shock hazard.
The Hampden Model H-IEC-B2 Alternator-Voltage Regulator Controller provides students with an understanding of the methods (pulse width modulation and pulse frequency modulation) employed in regulating the terminal voltage of an alternator, including voltage and frequency feedback.
The Hampden Model DCC-100-K DC Modular Controller provide students with the opportunity of observing the operation of electromagnetic contactors and relays. Each Lexan module contains one or more control components. The student interconnects these components into systems to control the operation of Hampden Series 100 Fractional Horsepower Motors. Each system furnished complete with cords and bench rack.
The Hampden Model H-IEC-B4 Adjustable Frequency Speed Controller helps students learn the principle of the controller that varies the speed of a three-phase induction motor by changing the frequency of the applied voltage.
The Hampden Model H-IPI-DCMC, Individually Paced Instruction Program for DC Motor Control, proceeds through six modules. Motor theory and control theory are covered along with actual control components and systems. The Model H-IPI-DCMC is designed for use with Hampden Series 100 motors and controllers.
The Hampden Model GNR-H2200 Industrial Controls Training System provides students with practical "hands-on" experience in designing, wiring, checking out, and troubleshooting "real-world" motor control systems. The Hampden Industrial Controls Training System consists of a melamine covered wood core panel, on which are mounted interchangeable unitized control modules. The student selects just the components needed for a particular system, secures them on the panel with wing nuts and wires them in accordance with the control diagram. All pushbuttons, contactors and other control components are suitably rated for use with 1HP motors. See attached data sheet for modules available and a typical complement of Hampden Model GNR-H2200 modules.
The Hampden Model H-IEC-B1 Paralleling and Voltage Control provides students with and understanding of the method employed in paralleling an incoming alternator with the power complanys line or with a second alternator.
The Hampden Model H-MRS-2 Mobile Robotics Systems Trainer provides instruction and hands-on experience in the control of power and motion by means of DC servo motors, and electronic circuits, all of which are used in industrial robots and other automation equipment.
H-MRS-MB Mobile Bench
The Hampden Model H-VFD-300C Variable Frequency Drive Trainer functions the same as the H-VFD-100C except that it is rated for use with 3 HP machines.
The Hampden Model H-R-SCR-1A Thyristor Circuits Trainer and H-R-SCR-2 Power Electronics System provide students with the opportunity to investigate diode rectifier circuits and AC and DC controlled power circuits utilizing silicon controlled rectifiers (thyristors) with resistance, capacitance, and unijunction transistor (UJT) triggering. Both models contain all of the diode rectifiers, SCRs, UJT triggers, control potentiometers, and resistive and reactive loads needed for thorough understanding of uncontrolled, half-controlled, and full controlled half-wave and full wave rectifying circuits, both single phase and three-phase. The H-R-SCR-2 extends the study of thyristor circuits into computer-controlled power electronics with the addition of an
8-bit analog-to-digital converter and gate and cathode controls with interface provided through a DB-25S connector, suitable for connection to a computerized data acquisition system.
The Hampden Model GNR-1200A Industrial Controls Training System provides students with practical "hands-on" experience in designing, wiring, checking out, and troubleshooting "real-world" motor control systems. Instructor-controlled real world faults can be inserted in each module. The Hampden Industrial Controls Training System consists of a melamine panel, on which are mounted interchangeable unitized control modules. The student selects just the components needed for a particular system, secures them on the panel with Nylatch fasteners and wires them in accordance with the control diagram. All control components are suitably rated for use with Hampden Series 100 Rotating Machines or machines up to and including 1-HP. All components are factory wired to Hampden HB-3M, 5-way, color-coded, captive head binding posts. See attached data sheet for modules available and a typical complement of Hampden Model GNR-1200A modules.
The Hampden Model H-IEC-DC1 Mag-Amp Control helps students learn the principles of magnetic amplifiers and their application to controlling the speed of DC motors through the technique of field weakening.
The Hampden Model H-ACVD-100 AC Vector Drive Trainer System provides students with hands-on experience with advanced motor controls and is available in two configurations; as a stand-alone trainer and as an adjunct trainer to the Hampden Series 100 Rotating Machine System.
HMT-4 Mobile Table
The Hampden Model DCC-100 DC Motor Controller gives students the opportunity to investigate various methods of control of DC motors. Used in conjunction with Hampden Series 100 Fractional-HP motors, these controllers provide practical experience from simple across-the-line starting through more complex forms of multi-purpose motor control. Symbols and legends on controller face simplify both wiring and instructor surveillance. This unit is a fractional-horsepower DC Controller that includes control buttons, forward-reverse contactor, variable resistors, current acceleration relays, time delay relays, field rheostat, CEMF acceleration relays, field loss relay, and overload relay.
Copyright 2021 CLICK WebDesigns
The Hampden Model H-DMCTT Digital Motor Control Troubleshooting Trainer provides interactive motor control troubleshooting training via computer to a student operator wanting exposure to connection and operation, without bulky hardware and electrical hookups.
The Hampden Model H-R-SCR-1A Thyristor Circuits Trainer and H-R-SCR-2 Power Electronics System provide students with the opportunity to investigate diode rectifier circuits and AC and DC controlled power circuits utilizing silicon controlled rectifiers (thyristors) with resistance, capacitance, and unijunction transistor (UJT) triggering. Both models contain all of the diode rectifiers, SCRs, UJT triggers, control potentiometers, and resistive and reactive loads needed for thorough understanding of uncontrolled, half-controlled, and full controlled half-wave and full wave rectifying circuits, both single phase and three-phase. The H-R-SCR-2 extends the study of thyristor circuits into computer-controlled power electronics with the addition of an
8-bit analog-to-digital converter and gate and cathode controls with interface provided through a DB-25S connector, suitable for connection to a computerized data acquisition system.
The Hampden Model H-SCR-104 Four Quadrant DC Speed Controller is a full-wave regenerative drive capable of operating DC, PM or Shunt motors (such as Hampden Series 100 Fractional Horsepower motors) in a bidirectional mode. Its 4-quadrant operation provides forward and reverse torque in both speed directions. This allows the control to maintain constant speed with overhauling loads and provide rapid instant reversing and controlled braking. Because of its excellent controllability and response time, the Model H-SCR-104 can replace servos in many applications.
The Hampden Model ACC-100-K AC Modular Controller provide students with the opportunity of observing the operation of electromagnetic contactors and relays. Each Lexan module contains one or more control components. The student interconnects these components into systems to control the operation of Hampden Series 100 Fractional Horsepower Motors. Each system furnished complete with cords and bench rack.
The Hampden Model H-IPI-ACMC, Individually Paced Instruction Program for AC Motor Control, proceeds through six modules. Motor theory and control theory are covered along with actual control components and systems. The Model H-IPI-ACMC is designed for use with Hampden Series 100 motors and controllers.
The Hampden Model H-REM-ACDC-MC Motor Controller has been developed to provide students with the basic understanding and principles of AC and DC motor control. The student will gain practical experience in both application and electrical interfacing of components and their reaction to each other. The trainer consists of a mobile support enclosed frame with mounting panels. The panels are silkscreened with nomenclature and graphics identifying each component. Component connections are brought out to Hampden HR-1S color coded socket receptacles. The instructors fault system consists of 22 switch injected faults located in a locked compartment.
SM-100-3 Synchronous Machine
WRM-100-3A Wound Rotor Motor
BPS-103A Power Supply AC/DC
BPS-101 Power Supply AC/DC
The Hampden Model EM-ACC-100K-MCS Modular Component System provides students with the opportunity of observing the operation of electromagnetic contactors and relays. Each Lexan module contains one control component. The student interconnects these modules into systems to control the operation of Hampden Series 100 Fractional Horsepower Motors. Each system furnished complete with cords and bench rack. (Unit shown with optional second bench rack)